Thursday, August 11, 2005

Pirro, Again

Okay, I'm going to be cynical for a second... even IF Pirro really has no chance (which I am not willing to admit as of yet), she can do the best job of weakening Clinton before the Presidential election.

Remember when Lazio tried to get aggressive with Clinton?

Never send a man to do a woman's job.

This post got my attention because I was quoted in it and some people are visiting as a result.

Pirro's Political Prowess

Pirro knows what has to be done to get elected and stay elected: the little things, all the time. She is clearly a skilled politician, and we (ok, "I") shouldn't dismiss what that can accomplish in and of itself.

Much can be said for political skill over substance. Pirro is pretty much identical to Hillary on the issues...

My thoughts are:

Maybe Pirro shows up to these events, at least in part, because she actually gives a gosh darn about a county for which she has worked so hard? Maybe she actually cares about the futures of New Yorkers?

Obviously she is a politician and thinks about the benefits and consequences of each action. Obviously spending time with kids might have some small unforeseen benefit a long way down the road.

However, considering this happened in 1999 and she spent a full hour treating pre-teens as equals, seems a pretty high price to pay on the off chance someone might remember it and maintain goodwill towards her when she goes for a more ambitious office seven years later.

Another thought--maybe HILLARY RESEMBLES PIRRO because she knows that is the way to get elected in New York. She moved to the right on the correct issues and stayed to the left on the others.

...but she didn't move far enough. Pirro is more fiscally conservative and even liberal moonbat Manhattanites want someone who will keep them safe from things that go bump in the night. Pirro is tough on crime. Hillary IS something that goes bump in the night. Okay, that was a cheap shot, but I couldn't resist!!!

Maybe a lot of the New Yorkers who voted for Hillary because Lazio was an unknown or liked her positions despite a distaste for her might consider voting for Pirro if she does a good job campaigning.

Again, I'm no NY operative but just a possibility or two.