Saturday, August 06, 2005

Letter to President Musharraf (re: Women's Rights in Pakistan)

August 6, 2005

His Excellency General Pervez Musharraf
President of the Republic
Pakistan Secretariat
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Dear President Musharraf:

As you know, the high profile cases of Dr. Shazia Khalid and Mukhtar Mai (also known as Mukhtaran Bibi) have come to the attention of the world press.

As a world citizens, we wish to thank you for helping to ensure that justice was eventually done for Muktar Mai and her passport was returned to her. We call on you now to ensure that a more complete justice is done for Mukhtar Mai and Dr. Shazia Khalid and the women of Pakistan.

Mukhtar Mai must be allowed to leave Pakistan and then return, free from harassment. As Mukhtar Mai has already declared, she has no desire to criticize Pakistan, only to bring her story to light. Openness will only reflect well on Pakistan in the world community.

Dr. Shazia Khalid, on the other hand, now lives in a type of exile in London. She wishes to return one day to Pakistan and build a hospital for raped and battered women. We hope you will initiate a full state investigation of the rape of Dr. Shazia Khalid and permit her to return to Pakistan with a guarantee of her safety.

Above all, these women and others like them should be treated as the patriots they are. Both these women wish only to strengthen Pakistan. In return for their bravery and honesty, they have been treated like criminals.

We are concerned about the tribal councils that supersede the state’s justice in Pakistan. Tribal councils wield excessive authority throughout Pakistan and their decisions should be countermanded, not supported by Pakistan’s police and courts.

Our main concern, as it is the primary concern of Dr. Shazia Khalid and Mukhtar Mai, should be justice for the women of Pakistan. Hundreds of women suffer the same fate in Pakistan each year, with no international press to protect them.

Pakistan’s Supreme Court’s ruling on August 4, 2005 is a significant step in the right direction. Your government must continue to assert its authority above the authority of local councils. The next step is to repeal the Hudood laws that restrict the rights of women in Pakistan. As Senator Khurshid Ahmad has recently noted, while Hudood is absolute, the Hudood Ordinances are open to changes.

Please take immediate action to ensure the safety of your female citizens.

