Friday, September 16, 2005

Kill the Blog

So, I'm considering killing this blog.

Like every other blogger at one point or another, I'm questioning whether or not it is worthwhile for me or for others.

I think I created this blog because I love a good debate...but most who have come here probably agree with me. Well, at least those who were actually looking for something along the lines of this blog--there are plenty who came here through some amazingly random searches.

I'm guessing that is why comments are few and far between even though I know people are visiting and some are even returning. While I appreciate that some are interested in reading how I phrase my thoughts, that doesn't fulfill my original goal and others with similar opinions have more time to research and polish their prose.

I don't believe this blog is making a unique contribution. I have no connections to "highly placed sources"...or rather I have one or two but I wouldn't exploit them and they wouldn't let me. If I feel the need to comment on world events, I could always visit some of my favorite political blogs or post on the news section of the military spouse support board I read.

If I stop this blog, I can concentrate on my other blog, An Army Wife's Life, and, life, things like that. I'd really like to get the military blog up to date and start posting more daily experiences as an officer's wife.

Any thoughts???