Okay, I'm Being Good and Watching the Roberts Hearings (For Now)
Kennedy is up...boy is he fun...
Is he asking a question or making a speech?
Roberts is waiting so patiently and Kennedy seems not at all interested in his answer.
This whole intent/effects test thing is interesting...not something with which I was really acquainted.
Kennedy is just not letting him answer.
Roberts is being quite frank with Kennedy and Kennedy just does not want to hear it.
The way I'm understanding all of this is that certain sections of the Voting Rights Act, which was renewed during the Reagan administration, say that it is the intent that determines discrimination and other sections (referring to areas that have previous gross examples of discrimination) require only that the effect is discriminatory.
Roberts is saying that, over two decades ago, he supported his bosses' position that the Act should be renewed but the "effects" test should not be extended to other sections of the Act.
Kennedy did.
Kennedy is still pissed. Roberts seems to accept that he and Kennedy disagree.
Am I understanding this correctly?
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