Friday, April 08, 2005

Power of Attorney

I recently saw an article saying that military members should not give their spouses power of attorney.

So, as a military spouse do you need a general power of attorney? Yes, you do.

If your friends at JAG say you don't, just go down to your neighborhood Staples or other office supply stores and pick up the form for yourself. Once you fill it out, you can have it notarized. Your local bank probably has a notary.

While you are at it, call all banks and credit card companies and either get your name on those, too, or find out if they require specific power of attorney forms (most do). Also make sure you fill out one of those deployment readiness books together (even if your spouse is just going on extended training).

You'll need the general power of attorney to do almost anything for which the account holder is your spouse (cell phone, utilities, etc.).

Okay, yeah... there are spouses who cheat on their soldier and take all of his (usually) money. If that's you, shame on you. Seriously soldiers, don't you know if your spouse is disloyal or airheaded before you leave? If you have a responsible and loyal spouse, there should be no problems. If you have any doubts (past infidelity, gambling or shopping addictions) than give the power of attorney to someone you trust who will look out for the best interests of you and your family (maybe a parent). This way, if your spouse needs emergency funds or help, someone who she (again, usually) can reach will be able to help.

Please don't leave your family stranded just because there are a few bad apples out there.